Virtual Socrates Colloquium 2022


Virtual Socrates Colloquium 2022

Wednesday, Sep 7

“Socrates on Erōs and Virtue: A Comparative Reappraisal

Francesca Pentassuglio
Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Cologne

The crucial nexus between erōs and virtue (aretē) provides a common ground for the writings of all the Socratics, with the sole exception of Aristippus. The pervasiveness of this nexus confirms its centrality to Socratic philosophy and education, and a proper understanding of it involves several issues on which Antisthenes, Aeschines, Plato, and Xenophon can be compared and contrasted: (i) the interconnection and mutual delimitation between erōs, virtue, and knowledge; (ii) the object and nature of such virtue, its modes of transmission and the problem of its teachability; (iii) the role and function that erōs assumes in relation to the dialogical practice and particularly within the elenctic procedure. The proposed interpretation aims to shed light – through a comparative reappraisal of key evidence – on the varying degrees of integration of erōs into elenchus, with a chief focus on the epistemological implications of the resulting (and unprecedented) conception of erōs.

The colloquium will begin at 11:00 AM Houston CST (GMT-6). The colloquium will last 1.5 hours. Dr. Pentassuglio will present her talk, followed by discussion.

Registration is required. Email for the meeting link.

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