Tzuba IL 2019

ISSS                                                                               Bar Ilan University

Where Literature and Philosophy Meet:

The Virtues in Xenophon’s Writings

International Conference | November 17-21, 2019 |

Tzuba Hotel | Kibbutz Tzuba, Israel

Day one:

Chair: Tazuko
Christopher Tuplin: Virtue (and vice) in Xenophon’s Anabasis
Sarah Ferrario: Virtue and vice in the cities of Xenophon’s Hellenica

Chair: Olga
Melina Tamiolaki: Eleutheria (freedom) in Xenophon and Aristotle.
Ellen Millender: Xenophon on Spartan Obedience: Virtue or Vice?

Chair: Kirk
Carolin Hahnemann: Xenophon’s depiction of the ability to bear ridicule as a form of enkrateia
Gabriel Danzig: Was Xenophon’s Socrates a eutrapelos?

Chair: Pierre Pontier
Luuk Huitink: Askēsis, mathēsis, epimeleia, paideia, sunetheia (terms for acquiring virtues)
Kirk Sanders: Socratic pieties: eusebeia in Xenophon’s Socratica and the early Platonic dialogues


Day two:

Chair: Melina
Norman Sandridge: Dikaiosunē in Xenophon:
Ed Halper: Xenophon’s virtue

Chair: Carolin
Fiorenza Bevilacqua: Kalokagathia in Xenophon: is it a virtue?Alessandro Stavru: Akrasia in Xenophon, in light of the contemporary evidence on Socrates.

Chair: Luuk
Tazuko Angela van Berkel: Relational virtues and moral emotions: Xenophon’s phenomenology of χάρις
Milena Lozano Nembrot: The problem of akolasia in Xenophon in light of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
Louis-André Dorion: Les conditions d’acquisition de la vertu selon Xénophon et Aristote

Chair: Christopher Moore á
Dave Johnson: Xenophon’s account of courage
Noreen Humble: Xenophon on happiness

Chair: Norman
Olga Chernyakhovskaya: Friendship in Plato, Xenophon and Aristotle
Claudia Marsica: Xenophon and Aristotle on the intellectual virtues

Chair: Alessandro
Rodrigo Illarraga: Xenophon on ambition, a Socratics’ crossroads
Christopher Moore: Self-knowledge and virtue in Xenophon and his contemporaries.
Pierre Pontier: Generosity, magnanimity and magnificence in Xenophon and Aristotle.

David Konstan
Don Morrison
Ron Polansky

Academic committee:
Gabriel Danzig, Dave Johnson, David Konstan, Glenn most

Sunday: Arrival and dinner.

Breakfast 7:30-8:30
First session: 8:30-11:10 Greetings + Two papers (50 minutes each)
Second session: 11:30-1:10 Two papers (50 minutes each)
Lunch break 1:00-3:00
Thirds session. 3:00 – 4:40 Two papers (50 minutes each)
Fourth session 5:00 – 6:40 Two papers (50 minutes each)
Dinner: 7:00-9:00

Breakfast 7:30-8:30
First session: 8:30-11:00 Two papers (50 minutes each)
Second session: 11:30-1:10 Two papers (50 minutes each)
Lunch break 1:00-3:00
Thirds session. 3:00 – 5:30 Three papers (50 minutes each)
Walking tour 5:30 -7:00
Dinner: 7:00-9:00

First session: 8:30-11:00 Two papers (50 minutes each)
Second session: 11:30- 1:10: two papers (50 minutes each)
Lunch: 1:00-3:00
Thirds session. 3:00 – 5:30 Three papers (50 minutes each)
Dinner, summary, and goodbye: 7:00-9:00

All day tour of Jerusalem; departure to airport.