Image of Socrates

APA 2020 CENTRAL-Chicago, IL

APA 2020 CENTRAL-Chicago, IL
The Palmer House Hilton
17 East Monroe  Chicago, Illinois 60603

Thu.(27th) 9:00 am-Noon
G2I    International Plato Society
Topic: Socrates (Co-organized by ISSS)
Chair: Donald Morrison (Rice University)
Nicholas D. Smith  (Lewis and Clark College)
“Socrates as an Apprentice of Politics in Plato’s Gorgias”

           Rusty Jones (University of Oklahoma) and Ravi Sharma (Clark University)
“Xenophon’s Socrates on Teaching and Learning”

           Francesca Pentassuglio (Sapienza University of Rome):
“Socratic Epagoge and the Argument by Analogy: Aeschines on Socratic Method”

           Dimitri El Murr (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris):
“Eristic, Antilogy, and the Equal Disposition of Men and Women”


There are many additional sessions on ancient philosophy at these meetings. For meeting details and the complete programs go to: