Chloe Balla, “Socrates the Storyteller: On Socrates’ Representation of Socrates in the Phaedo”

Abstract: How does Socrates’ story regarding his decision to compose poetry during his stay in prison relate to Plato’s overall agenda in his Phaedo? I focus on the claim that Socrates used Aesop’s fables since he himself was not an expert in storytelling, and also on his explanation for turning to this new practice right before his death. I show how this story allows Plato on the one hand to claim the role of Socrates’ more suitable heir, and on the other hand to underscore some differences that separate his vision of philosophy from that of his teacher. Continue reading Chloe Balla, “Socrates the Storyteller: On Socrates’ Representation of Socrates in the Phaedo”

an image of Socrates

VSC-Apr. 6-Argument and Design in Plato’s Hippias Minor 

Virtual Socrates Colloquium 2022 Wednesday,  Apr. 6  Argument and Design in Plato’s Hippias Minor  Ravi Sharma Associate Professor of Philosophy, Clark University The first dialectical exchange of Hippias Minor (365d-369b) has often been thought logically unsound.  I’ll argue that Socrates doesn’t … Continue reading VSC-Apr. 6-Argument and Design in Plato’s Hippias Minor